August 12, 2005
A random collection of thoughts this morning.
• Women will switch brands to support a company who supports a cause she believes in. Here’s a cause I believe in – You can go every day, click on the button, and a donation of food is made by the site’s corporate sponsors. You can also link to The Breast Cancer Site, The Children’s Health Site, The Literacy Site, The Rainforest Site, and The Animal Rescue Site. Please check it out and visit as often as you can. I start every day with these six clicks and make my very small contribution to leaving the world a little better at the end of the day than at the beginning.
• Gas prices. Good God. Carpool anyone? No wonder women are making more and more of their purchases online…
• Watched “The Stepford Wives” movie on TV last night – missed it in the theatres (but who really goes to movies anymore?) – it’s over-the-top humor made me laugh – all those women in perfect little sundresses with perfect hats discussing the latest Christmas decorating book over perfect little tea sandwiches…
• What’s to come next week? I’m thinking about B2B communications targeting women, women and the net, and looking at some really cool trends I’m reading about on
Have a great weekend, kids, and I’ll meet you back here next week.